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Index » Beatmaps » Beatmap Graveyard » SHIKI - Pure Ruby

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1 month ago
After seeing the player feedback and trying it myself, it does seem harder than justifiable for what the song represents. I still think high star rating difficult stream/aim maps have a place on this server, however I think it should feel more evenly balanced
19 posts

1 month ago

zzzz wrote:

(clarification: on [Pure Ruby]) – 00:51:869 - 01:13:442 - this… thing… (the entire kiai time!). the spaced streams have awkwardly high spacing, which makes them annoying to play, and makes a single miss end your entire run, thanks2notelock. next kiai time also features these very spaced streams. the jumpy streams (whatever you call those) are fine imo, they arent very hard to play. OK map otherwise

I would say this is a skill issue.
I don't have any problems with playing this map.
This map was created being high sr. Yes, it's overmapped like a lot. It doesn't mean that i should nerf it and make spaced streams from 1x to 0.75x. I made a nerfed diff, but someone said that it was bad idea. Blame them.
19 posts

1 month ago

arutama wrote:

01:06:701 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - these part is pretty absurd to aim ngl, just a thought

It's not.
19 posts

1 month ago
I understand that there is bunch of players that cannot play such maps, but if you can't play map like those, then do not give any opinion, because this map is not 2-3* And every stream and "weird" patterns was made on purpose.
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1 month ago
well, i'm still of the opinion that the map is rankable as it is now

i'm not a good judge of what difficulty is acceptable, but if the mappers intentions are to rank an absurdly difficult map and the map itself isn't flawed in terms of objective quality, and if the mapper expresses that they don't want to lower the difficulty of the map, then it should go for rank

if no one ends up FC-ing the map, its the mappers fault for insisting on making the map this difficult and getting a bunch of hate for it, so yea
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
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1 month ago

Spiroww wrote:

I understand that there is bunch of players that cannot play such maps, but if you can't play map like those, then do not give any opinion, because this map is not 2-3* And every stream and "weird" patterns was made on purpose.

For me, the pattern at 1:06 is not an issue because of skill issue, the problem is map balance. You have created a map that is nearly identical in difficulty to the other diff, but massive spikes in difficulty in spots that are only slightly more intense in it's kiais. Here is a screenshot from mapset verifier, comparing the difficulty of your diff with the GD. you will see the difficulty of your diff is the exact same as the other until we hit the kiai's .

Think about it this way. Imagine a map has an easy difficulty, and a hard difficulty. Both maps are just as about as hard as each other, and then the most intense part comes, and the hard difficulty adds bursts and triples. Players complain that the hard diff seems too hard in it's intense section. Obviously a player who cannot play hard diffs will be bad at it, but the map gives the impression, that it will be of a similar difficulty. It's not balanced. This isn't about skill issues, this is about player expectations. Imo the real problem is that the beginning is too easy, and the section inbetween your kiai is also too easy, to be able to support such a hard kiai. You should buff those patterns, and maybe also provide a more balanced lower difficulty (ie insane) for players with less skill to have something to enjoy as well.

This is why I agreed with the bubble pop.

We are not opposed to hard maps on titanic, and if anything I really hope they flourish for the people who want to push relax, or who have insane skills who appear on the server. So this is not an attack on high difficulty maps.
Last edited by Digitalfear117 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.
1385 posts

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1 month ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

For me, the pattern at 1:06 is not an issue because of skill issue, the problem is map balance. You have created a map that is nearly identical in difficulty to the other diff, but massive spikes in difficulty in spots that are only slightly more intense in it's kiais. Here is a screenshot from mapset verifier, comparing the difficulty of your diff with the GD. you will see the difficulty of your diff is the exact same as the other until we hit the kiai's .

Think about it this way. Imagine a map has an easy difficulty, and a hard difficulty. Both maps are just as about as hard as each other, and then the most intense part comes, and the hard difficulty adds bursts and triples. Players complain that the hard diff seems too hard in it's intense section. Obviously a player who cannot play hard diffs will be bad at it, but the map gives the impression, that it will be of a similar difficulty. It's not balanced. This isn't about skill issues, this is about player expectations. Imo the real problem is that the beginning is too easy, and the section inbetween your kiai is also too easy, to be able to support such a hard kiai. You should buff those patterns, and maybe also provide a more balanced lower difficulty (ie insane) for players with less skill to have something to enjoy as well.

This is why I agreed with the bubble pop.

We are not opposed to hard maps on titanic, and if anything I really hope they flourish for the people who want to push relax, or who have insane skills who appear on the server. So this is not an attack on high difficulty maps.

- i mean, old maps are notorious for having difficulty spikes happen in the middle/end of maps, but i do see the point in what you wanna say
Last edited by Kurboh 1 month ago, edited 1 time in total.
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
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1 month ago

Kurboh wrote:

well, i'm still of the opinion that the map is rankable as it is now

i'm not a good judge of what difficulty is acceptable, but if the mappers intentions are to rank an absurdly difficult map and the map itself isn't flawed in terms of objective quality, and if the mapper expresses that they don't want to lower the difficulty of the map, then it should go for rank

if no one ends up FC-ing the map, its the mappers fault for insisting on making the map this difficult and getting a bunch of hate for it, so yea

i would say that it shouldn't be mapper's fault for making the map this difficult, tbh maps that are pushing boundaries are kinda need to be pushed sometimes

putting blame into mapper for map being difficult is kinda harsh for the mapper himself imo if the map itself is pretty much intentionally being hard to FC, just a thought
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1 month ago
it's not so much putting blame because it's hard, it's more so putting blame because the difficulty balance is incorrect
1791 posts

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1 month ago
Btw, if you address these mods i would still be interested in pushing this set

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