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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » Move "Map Requests" subforum away from "Mapping Discussion" forum

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1385 posts

2 weeks ago
there's been multiple users now asking how to request maps for rank, since they're kinda hidden away as a subforum, and i think it shouldn't be hidden as a subforum, and instead displayed on the first page of the forums since it's really commonly used, more than any other forum page
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
1791 posts

2 weeks ago
I totally agree
5 posts

2 weeks ago
I agree as well, it's pretty hidden away how it is right now
480 posts

1 week ago
Yeah this is absolutely hard for others to find it tbh
i love CLANNAD

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