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Index » Beatmaps » Mapping Discussion » Map Requests » 2014 bangers that r not ranked yet >2m plays almost all of thjem

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9 posts

8 months ago osu
Last edited by leah 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
1094 posts

8 months ago
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9 posts

8 months ago
all subjective
9 posts

8 months ago
man how come some absolute classics have less than 1m plays this is insanity
9 posts

8 months ago
some might be ranked i just searched for the title maybe i misstyped >_<

8 months ago
are you trying to kill us

8 months ago
I feel like ranking too many non 2013 maps will get out of hand
9 posts

9 posts

8 months ago
theres already a lot of 2014 stuff ranked, i just went through a few most played that i like and wasnt ranked :3333333333333
Last edited by leah 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.

8 months ago
I have a non rx 3mod sightread fc on satellite hard diff xd

8 months ago
ill look into these later

8 months ago

BlueChinchompa wrote:

I feel like ranking too many non 2013 maps will get out of hand

not rly

8 months ago
i just dont want to rank too much farm

8 months ago
it will turn into a regular ass osu server with an outdated client
9 posts

8 months ago
well I mean koigokoro is ranked it can't get much worse

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