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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » make version downloads a vertical scroll view

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1795 posts

4 months ago
I know I and a few other people got confused when looking to download titanic, because we didn’t realize it was a horizontal scroll. I think a simple vertical list would be better, and look more impressive too
1094 posts

4 months ago
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1485 posts

4 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

I know I and a few other people got confused when looking to download titanic, because we didn’t realize it was a horizontal scroll. I think a simple vertical list would be better, and look more impressive too

and I thought this was obvious odifhgsdoihgio;edghr;ioearghoeahrg
1795 posts

4 months ago
If there was an always visible scroll bar maybe
1795 posts

4 months ago
But I know a few people who asked me “why are there only 2 versions”
1795 posts

4 months ago
And then I have to tell them it scrolls horizontally xd
1485 posts

4 months ago
problem is that modern browsers make the scrollbar so god damn tiny, its unbelievable

1795 posts

4 months ago
Damn modern browsers, can’t have shit
Last edited by Digitalfear117 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
1485 posts

4 months ago
i have no damn clue how to make this look good otherwise

1795 posts

4 months ago
Can it have two columns?
1485 posts

1485 posts

1795 posts

4 months ago
1 on small widths?
1795 posts

4 months ago
One on very wide idk
1485 posts

4 months ago
css is hard ok

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