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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » making downloading from uncleared maps easier

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290 posts

4 months ago
So this is kinda a follow up to my last suggestion. Its currently when you want to get maps you have no score on you need to check every ranked map on the website which kinda sucks. My idea is it that you could add a button in the beatmap listing for unplayed maps (similar to what actual bancho has). The maps could be found if you let the server request on what maps the user has already scores on, if scores are found dont include this maps in the beatmap search then (unlike bancho where its done with playcount/submitted playtime on the map). Thats just my idea tho and idk if its doable or if interest is there to implement it
Last edited by Ame-chan 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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1094 posts

4 months ago
Please note that this forum topic was imported from the Titanic Discord server.
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1485 posts

4 months ago
@Adachi Iceberg client but for beatmaps when? (jk I know you are busy)
290 posts

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4 months ago

Levi wrote:

@Adachi Iceberg client but for beatmaps when? (jk I know you are busy)

whenever i get motivation to do shit
1485 posts

4 months ago
i actually wanted to try some UI stuff for a very long time
1485 posts

4 months ago
so maybe this is the chance

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