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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » Website Dark Mode

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1485 posts

8 months ago
totally forgot about this thread, but there have been some improvements to the darkreader addon

1485 posts

8 months ago

ais wrote:

This looks nicer imo

should be better than this lol
139 posts

8 months ago

Levi wrote:

totally forgot about this thread, but there have been some improvements to the darkreader addon

that's very cool
139 posts

8 months ago
i'd use that but i'm a light theme user now
1485 posts

39 posts

8 months ago

Levi wrote:

This looks nicer imo

should be better than this lol
290 posts

8 months ago

☆ wrote:

i'd use that but i'm a light theme user now

click me >~<

22 posts | Jump | 1 2