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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » Separate command for STDVN and STDRX

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4 months ago

Adachi wrote:

dw levi will release it alongside gd 2.2

We got 2.2, and still we dont have separated lb
tri = 3 angles = 90 degrees, 90 + 3 = 93… what is 93, I don't know… but fucking triangles? what happened in 1993 something… THE FALL OF ESCOBAR titanic = sink, sinking is falling… that means tringles will kill osu! titanic.

Hello i am {0x52, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61, 0x72, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64}
1485 posts

1485 posts

4 months ago
But it's not displayed
1485 posts

4 months ago
i.e. the easy part is done
1485 posts

4 months ago
The hard part is making it look good
1485 posts

4 months ago
And not confusing

4 months ago
yeah we actually have

22 posts | Jump | 1 2