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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » Including in roles which BATs is for what gamemode to avoid confusion

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279 posts

3 months ago
I know that there isn't many BATs, but even so I think it should be specified which bat reviews what gamemode to avoid unnecessary confusion

For example could be implemented that way:
**^ (text) - represents roles **
Person 1 - **^ (STD/CTB BAT)**
Person 1 - **^(Beatmap Approval Team) ^(CTB BAT) ^(STD BAT)**
Last edited by Oposh 3 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
1094 posts

3 months ago
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1385 posts

3 months ago

Oposh wrote:

I know that there isn't many BATs, but even so I think it should be specified which bat reviews what gamemode to avoid unnecessary confusion

For example could be implemented that way:
**^ (text) - represents roles **
Person 1 - **^ (STD/CTB BAT)**
Person 1 - **^(Beatmap Approval Team) ^(CTB BAT) ^(STD BAT)**

second example seems much better than the first ngl
LVL1 | 300 ATK | 200 DEF
If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: For the rest of this turn, you take no battle damage.
1485 posts

3 months ago
I'd probably have to add roles for this
1485 posts

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