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Index » Titanic! » Feature Requests » Changing the map status listing order for osu!profile

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262 posts

2 months ago
Unless current listing order is intentional, I think would be great to make the map listing order like what bancho did

This is how map listing on Titanic looks like currently, the listing order is:

  • Favorite Beatmaps
  • Nominated Beatmaps (BAT exclusive)
  • Ranked Beatmaps
  • Qualified Beatmaps
  • Pending Beatmaps
  • Graveyarded Beatmaps

While osu! bancho map listing order is like:

  • Favorite Beatmaps
  • Ranked & Qualified Beatmaps (both in the same section for the listing but we don't need that for Titanic imo)
  • Pending & WIP Beatmaps
  • Graveyarded Beatmaps
  • Nominated Beatmaps (BAT exclusive)

It's just a request anyway, if you think current listing is fine without my suggestions, it's okay
Last edited by arutama 2 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
ss farming
262 posts

2 months ago
[Additional Request]
What if we also add "counter" for specific maps for each section, like example:

  • Ranked Beatmaps (5)
  • Pending Beatmaps (2)
ss farming

2 months ago
stable also has them as a dropdown on old web and i agree about the counter idea (tbh i'm pretty sure i've already mentioned both of these to levi somewhere xd)
1791 posts

2 months ago
I don't hate this proposal, but I would rather users see the maps I made first before the ones I nominated, but that's just me
262 posts

2 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

I don't hate this proposal, but I would rather users see the maps I made first before the ones I nominated, but that's just me

it's obviously what i meant from what i said on this proposal

would be great to have the map status listing uses similar order like bancho did
ss farming
1791 posts

2 months ago
your post said

Nominated maps
Ranked maps
Qualified maps


I would rather it be

Ranked maps
Qualified maps
Nominated maps
Last edited by Digitalfear117 2 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
1791 posts

2 months ago
good proposal though :D
262 posts

2 months ago

Digitalfear117 wrote:

your post said

Nominated maps
Ranked maps
Qualified maps


I would rather it be

Ranked maps
Qualified maps
Nominated maps

Yeah, actually I meant to go for the 2nd one u mentioned when nominated maps are below the ranked and qualified maps
ss farming
262 posts

4 weeks ago
any thoughts about this
ss farming
480 posts

4 weeks ago
Let Levi cook
i love CLANNAD
1485 posts

4 weeks ago
I have it on my backlog, dw
480 posts

4 weeks ago
See? When i mention @Levi he arrives, incredible!
i love CLANNAD

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