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Index » Other » Off-Topic » What version of osu is your favourite?

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279 posts

2 months ago
Mine are cutting edge from 2014 with triangles. I get it that lags on transistions but still really neat thing that gives depth :)
262 posts

2 months ago
2014 with triangles is definitely one of the coolest one
ss farming
1795 posts

2 months ago
b99 with bancho ported is up there, but for non modded I will go b282.test
1485 posts

2 months ago
The b1700-ish era I think
Although 2013 is also very high up there
290 posts

2 months ago
my favourite is b20141222.6cuttingedge

because it causes me the least amount of input lag :crying:
click me >~<
46 posts

2 months ago
b20130606 but I don’t like that there is no search filter for maps in the client
1795 posts

2 months ago
not yet at least

2 months ago
2009-2013 ish

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