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Index » Titanic! » Skinning » Completed Skins » (skin dump) Nymphia's Skin Remasters/Previews (exclusive oh em gee :scream:)

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44 posts

8 months ago
figured i'd give you guys a little christmas present in the form of some remastered skins i've been cooking up over the years, have fun!
(note: i didnt actually change anything about the skins, they're just @2x upscales that have been ever so slightly tweaked to iron out any mistakes the creator might've made)

1094 posts

8 months ago
Please note that this forum topic was imported from the Titanic Discord server.
You might encounter some unusual formatting or messages that seem out of context.
1485 posts

44 posts

44 posts

8 months ago
forgot to port the hvick skin to titanic gimme a min
44 posts

8 months ago
chitanda doesnt port well to 2013 ough

8 months ago
look great
44 posts

8 months ago
ok now to actually post the skins xd
44 posts

8 months ago
this gon take a WHILE
1485 posts

8 months ago
how big are they
44 posts

8 months ago
anywhere from like 6mb to 100 cuz i keep the psds in
1485 posts

8 months ago
i appreciate that
44 posts

8 months ago
forgor kamui

8 months ago

Nymphia wrote:

one of the skins broke my osu lmao(probably too old version)

tri = 3 angles = 90 degrees, 90 + 3 = 93… what is 93, I don't know… but fucking triangles? what happened in 1993 something… THE FALL OF ESCOBAR titanic = sink, sinking is falling… that means tringles will kill osu! titanic.

Hello i am {0x52, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61, 0x72, 0x64, 0x65, 0x64}
44 posts

8 months ago

ZRD wrote:

one of the skins broke my osu lmao(probably too old version)

all these are meant for the latest 2013 build on titanic, older versions might not work or straight up crash

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