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Index » Beatmaps » Mapping Discussion » Map Requests » Map Request Template

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2 months ago info
Here is some BBCode to use when making a map request:

[centre][b][u]Map Information[/u][/b]
[img]https://osu.lekuru.xyz/images/icons/forum/MODE(osu, ctb, taiko, mania).gif[/img] add multiple for multimode set
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/setID - 2nd number is unneeded
Created: [b]YYYY/MM/DD[/b] | Last Updated: [b]YYYY/MM/DD[/b]
BPM: [b]BPM#[/b] | Length: [b]Length (Drain)[/b]
[box=Name SR*] add multiple boxes for more than one diff
[img]https://osu.lekuru.xyz/images/icons/forum/MODE.gif[/img] also have it in here unless single mode
Circles: [b]Circle#[/b] | Sliders: [b]Slider#[/b] | Spinners: [b]Spinner#[/b] | Max Combo: [b](Combo)x[/b]
CS: [b]#[/b] | HP: [b]#[/b] | OD: [b]#[/b] | AR: [b]#[/b]

An example of what it'd look like:

Map Information

Created: YYYY/MM/DD | Last Updated: YYYY/MM/DD
BPM: BPM# | Length: Length (Drain)
Name SR*

Circles: Circle# | Sliders: Slider# | Spinners: Spinner# | Max Combo: (Combo)x
CS: # | HP: # | OD: # | AR: #

Name2 SR*

Circles: Circle# | Sliders: Slider# | Spinners: Spinner# | Max Combo: (Combo)x
CS: # | HP: # | OD: # | AR: #

Here is just the raw code without my text:

Raw Code
[centre][b][u]Map Information[/u][/b]
Created: [b][/b] | Last Updated: [b][/b]
BPM: [b][/b] | Length: [b][/b]
[box= *]
Circles: [b][/b] | Sliders: [b][/b] | Spinners: [b][/b] | Max Combo: [b]x[/b]
CS: [b][/b] | HP: [b][/b] | OD: [b][/b] | AR: [b][/b]

1485 posts

2 months ago info
Gonna add the info icon to this

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